How to use pre-workout?

How to use pre-workout?

Using pre-workout powders effectively involves several steps to maximize their benefits while minimizing potential side effects. Here is how to use standard preworkout powder.

1. Choose the Right Pre-Workout Powder:

  • Select a pre-workout supplement that aligns with your fitness goals and preferences. Consider factors like caffeine content and other ingredients (will make a blog about main ingredients)

2. Determine the Timing:

  • Decide when you'll be taking the pre-workout. Typically, it's consumed about 15-30 minutes before your workout to allow the ingredients to take effect.

3. Measure the Dosage:

  •  Do not exceed the recommended serving size to avoid overstimulation or potential side effects.

4. Mix with Water:

  • Mix pre-workout powder with water. Use a shaker bottle or a glass to combine the powder with the specified amount of water. Now shake and use mixer until all clumps are gone.

Buy now!

5. Stir or Shake Thoroughly:

  • Ensure that the pre-workout powder is completely dissolved in the water. Shake or stir until there are no visible clumps or particles.

7. Consume 15-30 Minutes Before Your Workout:

  • Drink the pre-workout solution about 15-30 minutes before you plan to start your workout. This allows enough time for the ingredients to become effective.

8. Pay Attention to Your Body:

  • Listen to your body's response to the pre-workout. Some people may experience an increase in energy, focus, and alertness, while others may be more sensitive to the stimulants and feel jittery or anxious. Adjust the dosage if needed.

9. Be Mindful of Tolerance: - Over time, your body may develop a tolerance to certain ingredients in pre-workout supplements, especially caffeine. Consider cycling or taking breaks from using them to maintain their effectiveness.


10. Stay Hydrated:

  • Pre-workout supplements can sometimes lead to dehydration due to their diuretic effects or the presence of caffeine. Make sure to hydrate adequately by drinking water throughout your workout.

New and Improved Preworkout Gummies: Fast, Easy, Efficient and Delicious!

1. Choose a flavour:

We currently have 3 flavours mango-pineapple, sour blue raspberry and sour watermelon blasters!

2. Eat 4-12 gummies depending on your tolerance!

Some people may be more tolerant to caffeine or beta-alanine then others! Easily eat as many gummies as needed for your workout!

3. Stay Hydrated:

Hydration is key! Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the workout.

4. Assess Your Performance: 

Pay attention to your workout performance, energy levels, and overall experience when using pre-workout gummies. 

Remember that individual responses to pre-workout supplements can vary, so it's essential to find what works best for you. 

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